We can all remember our very first car.
It really didn’t matter what make or model or condition your first car was in, as far as you were concerned, it was the best car on the planet, because that car was your very own!
You loved that car, because it was your very first car, sorta like your first born baby, but, without having to change diapers.
My first car was a ‘hand-me-down’, a 1977 mustard colored Toyota Corolla.

It wasn’t a ‘looker’, but that car took me to places that I could only imagine… like my job.
It was a fun little car, until I saved enough money to buy a 1974 Camaro. Now THAT car was a ‘looker’ for sure.

I’ve owned several cars since then and I have a particular fondness for older model cars, you know, back when cars-were-cars and not rolling computers.
Anyhow, I wanted to make a website that pays not only homage to the cars of the past, but also to look ahead, to new car technology and a whole lot more.
I’m not a mechanic or some type of technical guru. I’m just a guy who enjoys the beauty of good looking cars.
I hope you enjoy what I am building here and you are invited to follow me on twitter and to SUBSCRIBE to my blog.
Thank you so much for stopping by and please…
Drive Safe and Enjoy Your Ride!